Jane H. Percy, B.A., CH, CIH
Non-fiction, Poetry
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a sixth sense, an ongoing intuition that has affected nearly all aspects of my life. My parents were both “closet” intuitives. In my early fifties, I decided to come out, to honor and use whatever prescience I had by helping others . And for twenty years I practiced intuitive medicine at Riverlight Wellness Center.
Now that I’m retired, I can happily pursue a lifelong love of writing. I’m now writing a memoir about how intuition can help to heal chronic illness, cancer and spiritual dis ease. I also love to write poetry as a way of communicating with the natural world.
Mystic, Conn. has been my home for the past two decades. I live alongside the Mystic River, which is my muse. I’ve learned to hear the wisdom of the river and much of my poetry is inspired by river stories. When I’m not reading poetry (Jane Kenyon, Mark Doty, Mary Oliver, Rumi) or writing, I’m most likely painting with my granddaughters, both of whom are deliciously intuitive.